Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009


Well I finally got in to check on my camp. All is well and no damages from the weather or visitors. The crust made it possible to walk easily on the 3 or 4 feet of the white stuff. I took a few pics and now will have to figure out how to get them from my PC to here. My home away from home (camp) was discovered abandoned in the woods. It had been there for about 15 yrs. I have no idea how they got it in there but the surroundings were probably a lot different at that time. Every piece of glass was broken out including the lights and dash etc. I found the land owner and he kindly let me have full use of the site. I then went to work fixing the place up and making it habitable. I added an extension or "sunroom" but normally use only the bus part as I am there mostly alone, other than my 2 dogs, Rambo and Rusty. I really enjoy sitting around the campfire at night ( when fires are allowed) and pop a few cool ones.